frequently asked questions
We begin accepting applications during the second week of January for the coming school year.
Yes. We are accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.
No, we are a part-time preschool program for kids aged 2½ through 5 only.
Our morning classes meet 9:30-12 noon. Our afternoon classes meet 1:00-3:30 p.m.
At the beginning of the school year, our classes for 2-year-olds begin at 1.5 hours and gradually increase to the full 2.5 hours as the children in each class are ready for that. Also, a parent or caregiver is expected to stay at school with 2-year-olds for the first two weeks of school or longer, if the child needs that.
Your child’s teachers will work with you to come up with a plan to gradually help your child make the transition to school.
No. We view toilet learning as a developmental process and children accomplish this at their own pace. Our staff will change diapers.
SYC begins the enrollment process for the upcoming school year in January of each year. Children who will be age 2, but not older than age 6, on or before September 30th of that same year will be age-eligible to apply. (We do not accept applications or maintain waiting lists for children who are too young to attend until a future year.)
By the second week of January application packets will be available. The application packet will state the opening “processing date” for that school year. We process application and notify applicants in the 2nd half of February. Further details about how we enroll children into classes are in the Registration Packet.
If you are reading this after the February processing dates, you will be able to see the enrollment and waiting list numbers for the next year’s classes, and whether we are still accepting applications for that school year. We generally have many changes throughout the spring and summer as families’ plans change.
No, the family registration fee is not refundable. It is to help cover the clerical costs of processing new children into our database and to limit the enrollment pool to serious applicants only. However, if you pay a registration fee and we are not able to offer your child a place in the school for that school year, we will waive your registration fee for that child for the following school year.
Please give us a call at 614-267-0254 or e-mail us at syc@syccolumbus.org and we will place your child on as many waitlists as you like.
Accepting or declining a space in a second- or third-choice class will have no effect on your status on the waitlist(s) of any other class(es). You can decline the offer (by not signing the contract or paying the tuition deposit) and still remain on other class waitlists.
If you sign the contract and we are later able to offer you a space in the class that you would prefer, any money you’ve paid toward next year will be applied to your first choice class, and when you sign the contract for your first-choice class, we will release you from the terms of your original contract. However, please do not sign your contract and pay the deposit unless you are willing for your child to actually attend the class listed on your contract, in the event we are not able to offer you your preferred option. A signed contract and paid deposit obligates you to pay for that class unless we are able to find a replacement child to fill the spot.
It depends on the child’s age and the number of days your child attends. You can consult the tuition amounts for the current school year. (We do prorate tuition in situations where a child joins a class midway through the school year.)
We’d like for you to set up a visit to see our school to see if our program fits with what you are seeking for your child. You can do that by contacting us by phone at 614-267-0254.
Yes. In order to keep classrooms from filling up with visitors, we limit visitors to one visitor per class per day, by appointment. Also, we do not accept visitors to classrooms during the first 3-4 weeks of school in order to give the teachers, students and parents in each class time to get settled. To set up a visit, please call us at 614-267-0254.
If you come without children (except for an infant in arms), we will have you sit in a classroom where you will be able to observe a class for up to 45 minutes. Then, you can come into our office and discuss any concerns or questions you have after your observations. If you would like to observe two or more classes to see how the program transitions as children get older, you can do that too if you do not bring a child with you.
If you bring a child, a member of the office staff will accompany you into the classroom and we will strictly limit your visit to 15 minutes. Of course, you will need to supervise your child while trying to observe. It can be both exciting and overwhelming when a young child is presented with an environment with 10, 18 or 21 kids who are all at least a year older than she is, who are all playing together in a room full of toys and activities. It’s a little like going to COSI Kidspace for only 15 minutes. Visiting children are often inconsolable when it’s time to leave.
Also, we suggest you talk to your child before your visit to explain that it will be a very short time, and that he might not want to leave, but will still have to go when it’s time. We suggest that you go ahead and leave after your visit, then call us at a convenient time to discuss any questions you might have about our program. It’s also a good idea to have something fun planned for after the visit.
We know it can be difficult to find child care on weekdays. Some parents find it helpful to trade child care with friends so each parent can visit the classroom without bringing children.