class features
Food and Snacks
Children bring a snack and a water bottle to school each day. When children are hungry (any time after small group) they are encouraged to wash their hands, get their snack and a placemat, and have a seat at the snack table. In addition to addressing their hunger, snack time is often a social time when children visit with kids they may not usually play with, talk about what is in their lunchboxes, and joke with each other. Snack time also is an opportunity to practice self-help skills such as unzipping the lunchbox, opening up snacks, and throwing away trash.
Home visits
Each child receives a home visit from a teacher early in the school year. This is a child’s special time with a teacher, to help ease the transition from home to school and to begin to build a deeper relationship.
Caregiver-Teacher conferences are scheduled each year after Winter Recess. However, we urge parents to contact teachers throughout the year to talk about any concerns they may have about their child’s school experience.
Family Events
Each of the 3’s and 4’s classes schedules a family breakfast or lunch early in the school year so that families of students in each class can get to know one another, and a family picnic in May to celebrate the end of the year. Each class schedules two parent coffees during class time for parents to get acquainted and discuss ideas and issues important to them.
We often also have family events such as a Family Play Date, Family Dance Night, or Playground Clean Up.
Caregiver Education
We offer four caregiver education evenings throughout the school year which many caregivers find extremely helpful. These are informal get-togethers hosted by SYC teachers, each with a discussion-provoking topic on an area of parenting or child development.
SYC publishes a school newsletter four times per year with news about the school and classes, and articles of interest to our families. Caregivers are invited to submit articles.
Visit Us!
Of course, the best way to find out if a program is right for you and your child is to visit the school. Please call to schedule an appointment.