Our last school days of the year are here and I always feel a happy sadness with all the goodbyes. I know I will be seeing many of you here at SYC next year, but for those families who are leaving, I hope you will send us an email occasionally to let us know how things are going for you. You will always be a part of our SYC family.
One thing I’m really looking forward to is the new parenting book based on SYC philosophy and experience coming out in August (pre-order now on amazon.com for discount by following the link below). It is titled It\’s OK Not to Share and Other Renegade Rules for Raising Competent and Compassionate Kids. It’s written by Heather Shumaker who is the daughter of our long -time teacher Ann Rigney. Heather attended SYC and now has her own young children. She wrote this book to share her experience using SYC ways in her own family. Some of her chapter titles include:
- It’s okay if it’s not hurting people or property
- Bombs, guns and bad guys allowed
- Boys can wear tutus
- Pictures don’t have to be pretty
- Paint off the paper!
- Sex ed starts in preschool
- Kids don’t have to say “Sorry”
- Love your kid’s lies
Heather spent years observing at SYC and interviewing former directors, former and current staff and parents to capture the real essence of SYC, so we are all very excited about it.
We are planning to have a book signing celebration next September here at the school. Our school, church and local community will all be invited. We’ll be sending send you more information about this event in the Fall.
I hope you have a wonderful summer!
…Stephanie Rottmayer, Director