
Back Row:
Dawn Nauman, Chinatsu Glass, Debbie Crawford, Chris Crannell, Holly Adams
Middle Row:
Julie Defossez, Kate Blake, Laura Hansen, Kate Troyer, Jenifer Bojanowski, Kim Jannetti, Gudrun Herzog
Front Row:
Sophie Lanfear, Alicia DiMarco, Jordan Main, Susan Roscigno, Jen Steele, Amy Rudawsky
Co-Directors (we teach, too)

Susan Roscigno
I hold a BA in Elementary Education and a MS in Human Development and Family Sciences. I taught grade school in NC for a few years, stayed home with my children for a bit, and have been at SYC since 1993. Outside of SYC, I love to knit, travel and read. I am honored to share in the leadership of SYC as a co-director with Amy, and look forward to maintaining the special combination of play, joy, and learning that has come to mean “SYC”.
Little known fact: My favorite number is 87.

Amy Rudawsky
I’m a graduate of The Ohio State University with a B.S. in Early Childhood Education and Development. Since, 2000 I have been involved in the early childhood field, as a teacher and administrator, research assistant, contributing writer to Ohio’s Infant and Toddler’s Guidelines, a consultant to Ohio Child Care Resource and Referral Agency (O.C.C.R.R.A.) and as Mom to Nate and Natalie (both SYC Alums).
Little known fact: I’m a level 3 CrossFit coach and enjoy competing in local masters CrossFit competitions

Kate Blake
I grew up near Fort Wayne, IN and received my undergraduate degree from Denison University in Granville, OH in Environmental Studies with a concentration in Sociology/Anthropology. I worked in the sustainable agriculture field for 8 years before staying home with my children. I also have a background in dance and have found joy in teaching creative movement and ballet to a variety of age groups at BalletMet throughout my adult life. My husband, Jake, and I live with our children in Worthington. I became an SYC parent in 2019, and have one graduate, Stedman, and one current student, Alden. I also have an amazing stepdaughter, Anna, who was a teen helper in the 3’s classroom at play camp this summer. I enjoy traveling, being outdoors, writing, reading, making and listening to music, going to the farmer’s market, and attending performances (particularly the spontaneous ones my children put on in our basement). I am thrilled to be growing alongside the children in the SYC classroom, a truly special place.
Little known fact: I studied abroad in New Zealand and researched the impacts of tourism on yellow-eyed penguins. I loved being abroad and struggled with missing my family (both things at the same time)—not so different from being at preschool.

Jenifer Bojanowski
I was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio. I obtained my Bachelors of Science from Bethany College, in West Virginia. I have been teaching at SYC since 1992 (with the exception of the 6 years I was living and doing graduate work in California). SYC has been a part of my life since I was a child, because my mother also taught here. Over the years this place has been such a place of growing and nurturance. And, it grounds me in play. I love to get out in nature, read, do yoga and Tai Chi, and chill out with our cat and dog.
Little known fact: When I am not at SYC I can be found amongst my many beads creating jewelry.

Chris Crannell
I received my undergraduate degree in psychology, with a minor in art, from Fairmont University in West Virginia. I went on to earn a Masters degree in counseling from Marshall University. I met my husband on New Year’s Eve in 1996, and I have two wonderful stepchildren: Kyle, and Keara. I love to read, read, and read some more, walk, bicycle, knit, make art, and spend time with my family and friends.
Little known fact: I won best of show for my art in a show during my undergrad years in college.

Debbie Crawford
I was born in Guatemala City (my parents were in the missionary field) and moved to Columbus when I was 5 years old. I have lived here ever since but have enjoyed traveling to places like England, Italy, Mexico, Canada and various states within the US.
I have been working as a private nanny for 8 years with a focus on babies and toddlers. I love learning about childhood development in my free time and briefly studied Early Childhood Education at Columbus State Community College. I found traditional schooling to be too restrictive and prefer to study in my spare time and at my own pace. Perhaps my learning style is play based as well!
I truly believe children of all ages are whole beings that are here to learn from us and can even teach their grown ups a thing or two! I incorporate a respect for natural development in my teaching and childcare and have really seen how it helps children flourish.
My passions for working with kids has been growing since I was 10 years old, when I first started babysitting. I interned at SYC through the Graham School nearly 20 years ago for a semester and really knew there was a special energy here and am so honored to be part of the official staff.
My husband (Carlo), daughter (Tilly, SYC grad ’24), and I live in Clinton Estates. We have 2 cats (Georgie and Cashew) and a dog (Gilbert).
In my free time I enjoy long hikes in nature, exercising, practicing yoga, crocheting, playing guitar, singing, and helping animals in need.
Little known fact: I study spiders and bugs for fun! My favorite is the regal jumping spider.

Julie Defossez
I’m Julie and I’ve loved working with kids since my first babysitting job at the age of 11! I worked as a nanny during my college years and then taught college students while in grad school at OSU. I have found that little kids and college students have a surprising amount of overlap. Both groups need teachers who care about them as unique individuals and both groups do best when they can access their snacks freely!
I have three kids of my own: George (10), Louis (an SYC alum, 6), and Margot (current SYC kiddo, 3). Watching my kids grow into their authentic selves is the greatest joy of my life. SYC has been a big part of our family’s life for the last few years and I loved getting to spend more time in the classroom last year as a sub. I can’t wait to learn alongside the teachers and kiddos this year!
Little known fact: I’m an art historian and my favorite artist is Mierle Laderman Ukeles. Children love many of her projects, especially the ones that include garbage trucks. She has created a garbage truck with fully mirrored sides and has choreographed truck and boat ballets!

Alicia DiMarco
I received my undergraduate degrees from the University of Dayton in Special Education. After doing a year of service at a women’s homeless shelter in Boston I realized that Social Work was my true calling. I received a Masters of Science in Child Development from the Erikson Institute and a Masters of Social Work from Loyola University Chicago. After graduation, I moved back to Columbus and worked as a Social Worker at Nationwide Children’s Hospital before becoming a Therapeutic Preschool Clinician at St. Vincent Family Center. I left this organization to be a stay-at-home parent. I live in Clintonville with my husband (Greg), kids (Leo & Vivi) and pup (Nazza). In my free time (whatever that is 🙂 ) I enjoy traveling, eating delicious foods, listening to podcasts, and spending time with friends and family.
Little known fact: I was a coxswain for the University of Dayton’s Women’s Rowing team during undergrad.

Chinatsu Glass
My name is Chinatsu and I’m from Japan where I lived until 2013. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Japanese language and literature from Jogakuin Woman’s University in Hiroshima. I met my husband Josh ( who is from Clintonville ) in Japan and married there, had my oldest Jack, then middle kid Atticus there.
I worked as a tour guide at Yamato War Ship Museum while in Japan. When we moved to the USA, we had our youngest Olivia. During this time, I worked as a 1st and 2nd grade teacher at The Columbus Japanese School and taught for 6 years. I discovered my passion for teaching there as children are the light of my life. I learned of SYC after my husband read “the SYC book” , It’s ok not to Share. A couple years later our neighbor mentioned that her children attended and had such amazing things to say about about the program. As I learned about the process and philosophy, I fell in love with SYC community. Both Atticus and Olivia are SYC alumni but Jack ( the one who didn’t come to SYC ) still lets us know how upset he is that he couldn’t attend. I am so excited to return for another year! I enjoy gardening, eating sweets and relaxing with my dog, Ruby and cat, Pippy.
Little known fact : A lot of people tell me that I am good at drawing pictures! I dreamed of becoming a Manga artist when I was young.

Laura Hansen
I am a certified trauma-informed specialist, educator trainer and parent coach. I am also a certified Wunderled educator. I have four children and 6 grandchildren. I am an avid researcher and love to learn. I am passionate about mental health, play based learning, child development, advocating for children, and nature. The early years are my favorite and I enjoy being a co-learner/co-traveler on the children’s journey. I learned of SYC while reading the book, “It’s OK Not to Share.” I knew immediately that it was the school for me. I am grateful to work with and learn from such incredible educators! I love our SYC community!
Little known fact: I am a licensed cosmetologist and worked at Cookie Cutters for 5 years

Gudrun Herzog
I was born in Graz, Austria, a city about a 2 hour drive from Vienna, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy and the Alps. This is also where I spent the first 28 years of my life and met my husband Rudy. Both of our now adult children are SYC alumni. I have met more wonderful people than can be named at SYC, both children and adults. At SYC we help children grow, but it is also a place where children, parents and teachers help me grow – for many more years, I hope!
Little known fact: I once studied law and worked for IBM and liked neither one of them!

Kim Jannetti
I am a graduate of the University of Hawaii at Manoa with a BBA in Marketing. I lived in Hawaii for 18 years and moved to Ohio in 2007. I really enjoyed growing up in Hawaii and miss many things (my sister mostly), but I especially miss the Korean food! My husband Aaron and I have 2 children, Maverick and Laney, both SYC alumni. I found SYC when I was pregnant with my son and knew I wanted to be a part of this amazing school. My appreciation for SYC’s approach to childhood learning also prompted me to pursue my studies in Early Childhood Education. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family and our 2 dogs, Coach and Bailey, strength training, reading, and traveling.
Little known fact: I was a competitive horseback rider for many years and traveled all over southern California competing before moving to Hawaii.

Sophie Lanfear
Hello SYC families, I’m Sophie. I have an MA in Education from Goldsmiths College, University of London and I’m originally from the UK. Before arriving in Columbus (where my husband is from) I worked as a primary school teacher in London for 5 years, and then moved to Lisbon, Portugal to teach English, before moving here at the beginning of 2019.
I have two children; Griffin, who is 5 years old, and will be starting kindergarten this fall, and Albie Bear, who will be in the 2’s class with me this year. We live in Clintonville with our dog, Alan, and love making the most of living near the Olentangy Trail, Whetstone Park and various creeks in the neighborhood.
I was so excited to join SYC as a parent a few years ago. The school values lots of things that as a teacher I also value; time spent outside, child-led and free play, and most importantly, an emphasis placed on caring and respectful relationships between children and teachers. I’m so happy to be part of this special community as a teacher and know that I am constantly learning!
Little known fact: I used to work in a fish and chip shop

Jordan Main
I graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in Environmental Science and from the University of Maine with a Masters in Elementary Education. I taught elementary school for 7 years and then stayed home with my two kids, both of whom are SYC alumni. I am thrilled to be at SYC playing and learning with children and their families! I enjoy biking, running, gardening, reading, hiking, and spending time with my family – Steve, Naomi, and Alec.
Little known fact: I was a lifeguard during high school and college!

Dawn Nauman
I have lived in Clintonville for the last 29 years. I came to SYC as a student 14 years ago while studying for my Associates of Sciences Degree in Early Childhood Education and I never left! In the past decade I have felt more each year that being with kids and families is my calling. I am so privileged to work among amazing teachers who each have unique gifts and perspectives to share.
I love being a preschool teacher. I love meeting all kinds of kids and finding ways to connect with them and their families. I love helping kids overcome challenges by supporting them through hard things. I love sharing stories, songs and laughter with little people and my co-teachers. My goal as a teacher is to provide a safe space for kids to discover and explore what interests them.
I learn more and more about kids every year that I am here.
In my spare time, I love spending time with my two adult children (one in college, one graduated), my husband, and my extended family. I am an avid reader, puzzler and music fan (live and on the turntable). I also enjoy the theatre, cooking, yoga, running, traveling and long walks. My husband and I love checking out breweries and fancy cocktail places in our spare time as semi-empty nesters. We have two cats and an old lady dog.
Little known fact: My last career was in local government. I am reminded each day that City Council members and preschoolers can be surprisingly alike!

Jen Steele
I grew up in rural northeastern Ohio, where I played among the cows on my friend’s dairy farm and later became involved in band (flute), choir, musical theater, and cheerleading. I went on to study education at Witten- berg University in 1995 but eventually decided it wasn’t for me and moved to NYC, where I lived with my big brother and waited tables. After some time, I moved back to Ohio to study at Ohio University, where my little brother attended, and I soon met my future husband, Tyler. I was fortunate to par- ticipate in a summer teaching program in Swaziland, Southern Africa, and later graduated with a BS in Human and Consumer Sciences with a major in Early Childhood Education.
It was at OU that I had my first meaningful experience with preschoolers and I knew that one day I would like to work with three and four-year-olds. I love their unique perspective and approach to the world around them! At that time, however, I was drawn to teach for Columbus City Schools. I taught mostly K and 1st grade at several schools around the district, finally landing at Indian Springs. After 10 years of teaching and the birth of my second child, I decided to take time off and focus on my family.
I don’t remember where I first heard of SYC, but when I did I knew that I wanted my kids to go here—I never dreamed that I would get to teach here! We couldn’t make it work for our oldest with our full-time schedules, but our younger two kids have been lucky enough to attend SYC.
I stay pretty busy “momming” for my kids Paisley (14), Finley (10), and River (6), but I also enjoy caring for way too many plants, going to the gym, traveling with my family, and cuddling with our dogs, Ozzie, and Emmett.
I look forward to working with the SYC staff and families each year because I am certain that it will make me a better teacher, parent, and human!
Little known fact: My first concert was to see New Kids on the Block, where I went up to the stage and gave the security guard a necklace to give to Joey.

Kate Troyer
I grew up in Columbus, Ohio, and received my undergraduate degree in mathematics and masters degree in education from OSU. I taught middle-school math and nannied before becoming a stay at home mom to my three children. In my free time I enjoy running, jigsaw puzzles, Buckeye football, fun cocktails, great restaurants, and, most especially, spending time with my friends and family.
Little known fact: I lived in Mozambique for two months while my husband volunteered during medical residency.
Office Manager

Holly Adams
I’m a classically trained musician (flute & piano) with a BA in Music from The Ohio State University. I’ve worked as an assistant manager for a housewares store and as a medical claims processor and premium collector for a major insurance company. My family includes two grown children and a husband of 28 years. I was an SYC parent for 6 years before working at SYC. Getting to know the families at SYC and watching the children grow is my favorite part of my job. I really do have the best job at SYC.
Little known fact: In the fall of 2019, I played The Stars and Stripes Forever March with 80 other piccolos and the OSU Marching Band in the ‘Shoe during a halftime show.