Once again, we’re offering a series of four parent education evenings. These evenings are presented by SYC teachers, the topics and prices are below. We’re excited about this series. You can sign up in the SYC Office now.
Tuesday, October 18 – 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Discipline, Not Punishment: Guiding Your Child’s Behavior: The goal of discipline is to teach self-control, not to punish. We’ll talk about ways to set firm, reasonable, age-appropriate external limits that help children develop internal controls.
Tuesday, November 1 – 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Growing Kind Kids: Raising Children Who Navigate Our Diverse Worlds with Openness and Compassion: Have you ever felt frozen as your child announced, “That person doesn’t have legs!” in the grocery store? Wondering how to help your child understand our beautiful, diverse world? Come for an evening of conversation and resources on raising kids who are knowledgeable about race, disability, gender and family structures.
Thursday, November 17 – 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
“You Can’t Come to My Party”: Getting along with peers. Navigating the world of friendship and rejection with your child(ren).
Wednesday, February 22 – 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Uncomfortable Topics: Sex, Death and Other Tricky Stuff. Some things are difficult to talk about especially with your children. We’ll help guide you through these very important conversations.
Cost: $10 per adult per session, pay in advance in the SYC office or at the door.
Bargain Package: All four sessions, paid in advance (no refunds) $32 per adult (20% discount)
Child Care: Limited child care will be offered each evening for children aged 2 – 7 years old for $8 per child, if we have a minimum of five children registered in advance. Advance registration is required for child care (no refunds unless child care is cancelled due to low enrollment).